Bed Bugs
Bed bugs can cause psychological as well as physical harm by leaving itchy bites and causing distress. Frontline Pest Management offers our customers highly trained technicians and the latest treatments to effectively get rid of bed bugs and prevent further infestations.
• Adults are reddish-brown, flattened, oval, and wingless.
• Adults grow to 4-5mm in length and 1.5-3mm wide.
• Bed bugs feed on the blood of warm blooded animals.
• Most species feed on humans only when other prey is unavailable.
• Bed bugs usually remain close to hosts, commonly in or near beds or couches.
• Nesting locations include luggage, vehicles, furniture and bedside clutter.
• Bed bugs also nest near animals that have nested within a dwelling, such as bats, birds or rodents.

When nesting within the home, these particularly sneaky parasites can cause considerable health problems for anyone they latch onto – as soon as you suspect a problem, call for a thorough inspection and effective treatment as soon as possible. A Frontline Pest Management technician will be able to provide you with a safe and effective solution to any infestation, guaranteeing you many more nights of peaceful, undisturbed rest.
Ring Frontline Pest Management on 3293 4475 for your free quote now!