Baiting is the most common method used by Pest Technicians. Death occurs from four days after commencement of feeding.
At Frontline Pest Management one of the products we use is Generation First Strike soft bait rodenticide by Lipha Tech, suitable for rats and mice. Deliciously tasty morsels that no rodent can resist, it has unmatched palatability and efficacy. A French innovation, it is ‘the most technologically advanced rodenticide on the market’.
High acceptance by rodents, even when competing food is available.
• Unique package design allows aroma to escape, attracting rodents.
• Single-feed soft bait effective for the most challenging rodent control problems.
• Maintains palatability and integrity in hot environments.
• Contains no wax, enhancing its palatability to rats and mice.
In certain situations we prefer to use a hard block rodenticide such as Generation Block, also by Lipha-Tech.
Typically rodent control programs use baits that are toxic, so attention to safety is vital in any treatment.
In the case of the Black rat or Roof Rat, baits are generally placed in the roof space as this is often where the rodents are living. They will be living and nesting in your walls and coming out into the roof space to forage for food, usually at night time which is why they can cause havoc with sleep problems for people.
The Brown Rat prefers to burrow and can often be found under chicken pens; under the slab of hot water systems, air conditioning units and water tanks; under decking. Baits are placed in lockable rodent stations at these locations.
Evidence of rodents is often found inside sheds and in downstairs store rooms, particularly if those areas offer the rodent a food and water source (such as pet food or bird seed) or shelter. Bait stations are placed in these locations.
With mice, the baits can be placed into lockable mouse stations and placed in locations where there are known mouse traffic areas but out of the way areas such as behind the refrigerator or in a hole in the wall where it has been determined that the mice are travelling through. The lockable mouse stations are particularly effective in those households where there are young children or pets as this is a much safer option.