By proofing your home, you will help to make it seem less attractive to rodents. Rats will make the most of any opportunity to enter your home in the search for shelter and food. Black rats are good climbers and will happily inhabit the warmth and shelter of the roof space. Brown rats can climb but tend to burrow more – around chicken pens, airconditioning unit slabs, under water tanks. They are very adept at swimming in sewers and drain systems. Both species will gnaw at gaps to enlarge them enough for easy entry.
• Entrances – fit strips to the bottom of doors and weather-stripping around exterior doors as a deterrent. Young rats can squeeze through small gaps under doorways and will also use cat flaps to enter. They will enlarge gaps by gnawing to enter homes via internal garages.
• Gaps in exterior walls – fill holes or small openings around utility cables or pipe work. Rats can jump, so check up to a height of about 1.2 metres.
• Roofs – repair roof damage and use wire mesh to seal gaps. Trim vegetation away from your home. Rats climb along electrical cables or use overhanging branches to get into the roof space through gaps in broken roof tiles or under eaves.
• Drains and sewer pipes – keep toilet seat lids closed. Rats have been known to swim up damaged sewer pipes and get round u-bends in toilets. They will also use drain pipes and drainage outlets. Use tightly fitting metal grates or screens to cover drains.
• Eliminate clutter and items like firewood next to your home.